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AMS Neve 1073 LBEQ

AMS Neve 1073 LBEQ

959,00 € *

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  • PKH-12309

AMS Neve 1073 LBEQ

The first choice of countless leading producers and artists, the 1073® delivers the unique Neve® sound featured on many of the most famous recordings of the past 40 years. The big, punchy sound of the 1073® classic complements any musical genre – from rock to pop, hip hop to rap, thrash to classical. And now the EQ section of that classic unit is available for your 500 series rack.

Crafted in England by Neve® engineers, the 1073® LBEQ mono EQ module retains the unique sonic characteristics of the original 1073® classic EQ by using the same EQ circuit architecture and matching components. And it delivers it in a modern and portable form-factor that professional producers and engineers demand.

With new features like a signal presence LED and Neve’s cleverAudio Processing Insert design, the 1073®LBEQ takes your 500 series rack to the next level.

Simply install into an empty slot in your compatible 500 series rack, connect your line level signals and inject the legendary Neve® EQ sound into your audio creations. And it’s the perfect pairing for the incredible 1073®LB microphone preamp module. The 1073®LBEQ module can be inserted between the input and output stages of the 1073®LB module, creating a true 1073® classic audio path.

  • Legendary 3-band EQ design
  • Rotary controls provide accurate adjustment of the 1073 3-band EQ and High Pass filter
  • Signal presence LED illuminates green from a level of -25dB and red from a level of +24dB
  • Switch for EQ IN/OUT function, with LED indication
  • Electronically balanced circuits used in Line Input and Line Output stages for standalone module use
  • Audio Processing Insert design allows the audio to/from the 1073LBEQ module to be inserted into the audio path of an existing 1073LB module (modules must be fitted in the same 500-series rack)
  • Compatible 500-series rack/enclosure with Power Supply and line-level input/output connectors required, not supplied.
AMS Neve 1073 LBEQ The first choice of countless leading producers and artists, the 1073 ®... mehr


AMS Neve Ltd

AMS Technology Park


Billington Road

Burnley, Lancashire

BB11 5UB

United Kingdom

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