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  • PKH-11959

PMC BB6S-XBD-A - Paarpreis

The twin-cabinet BB6 XBD-A extends the staggering performance specification of the BB6-A, taking distortion to new lows and pushing the maximum SPL output of this system to a powerful but tightly controlled 131dB thanks to its twin 15-inch Radial™ low-frequency drivers, and creating a smoother in-room response, even in the most expansive of listening environments. The BB6 XBD-C-A is available as the dedicated centre speaker for multi-channel systems, while the dedicated LFE inputs and effortlessly extended low-end response render stand-alone subwoofers unnecessary.

As with the MB3 XBD-A, the twin XBD cabinets can be freestanding or soffit-mounted, and positioned side by side or vertically.  In the latter configuration, the BB6 XBD-A gives new meaning to the concept of the stand-alone tower speaker, reaching a height when floor-mounted of nearly seven feet.

• Type: 3-way ATL™ active reference monitor
• Frequency response: 17Hz-25kHz
• Power per channel: 5625W (HF 275W, MF 550W, 2 x LF 2400W)
• Effective ATL™ length: 2 x 4 metres
• Maximum SPL: 131dB

PMC BB6S-XBD-A - Paarpreis The twin-cabinet BB6 XBD-A extends the staggering performance... mehr


ES-Pro Audio


Narzissenstr. 9

85055 Ingolstadt


  ES-Pro Audio   Narzissenstr. 9 85055 Ingolstadt Germany... mehr


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