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  • PKH-11684


SSL BIG SIX The Ultimate Desktop Mixer

- AKTION: bis zum 30. Juni 2024 bekommt Ihr ein SSL UltraViolet EQ 500er-Modul gratis dazu - 

BiG SiX is the big sister to SSL's acclaimed SiX console. Although both BiG SiX and SiX are small by SSL standards they carry the same values and inherited DNA. What follows are some of the key elements that make BiG SiX a professional product for the highest quality audio applications.

Fully balanced inputs and outputs

All of BiG SiX’s inputs and outputs are fully balanced (with the exception of the Phones output). This means professional equipment with balanced connections can be properly interfaced allowing longer cable lengths without noise/hum pick-up penalties and the best signal to noise performance from the whole signal chain.

Short is beautiful...

To provide the purest audio signal paths, BiG SiX has several features not normally found on small footprint mixing consoles e.g. the channel processing is switched, allowing it to be removed from the signal path if it’s not being used. It’s definitely worth taking some time to understand the BiG SiX block diagram and reading the examples later in this manual. We hope you’ll really unlock the versatility of the console when discovering the many signal paths that are available and the multiple ways they can be used.

Meter scales and response

The upper LED meter points on BiG SiX’s main meters have been carefully chosen. The console is designed with a huge +27 dBu headroom and the meters have defined segments for +24 dBu and +18 dBu, this is to match the two most common 0 dB Full Scale (dBFS) alignment standards, i.e. European/EBU at 0 dBFS=+18 dBu and the US/SMPTE standard at 0 dBFS=+24 dBu ensuring optimum performance for converters and proper gain structure throughout the signal chain. The meters in BiG SiX have been designed with a fast ‘peak’ response (rise time to 60% Full Scale Deflection approx 1 ms @ 1 kHz) and a slower release time to give the ability to meter fast peaks while still being able to show useful signal levels.

Converter alignment levels

The sixteen A to D and D to A converters in BiG SiX are aligned for 0 dBFS=+24 dBu to give the optimal performance from the console's dynamic range.

Power and power management

You will have noticed that BiG SiX is powered by an external power supply with a multipin connector. This significantly helps the design and performance of BiG SiX. It moves the power supply's electromagnetic interference away from the SuperAnalogue circuits inside BiG SiX. This allows us to design the internal electronics to have a bandwidth as wide as possible and thus deliver the great phase and transient response SSL large format console users have come to expect in a very small footprint package. Another thoughtful design feature for an analogue console is how the power rails are ramped on power-up to minimise thumps on monitor and headphone outputs.


    •    Durchgängig symmetrische Signalführung mit +27dBu Headroom (excl. Phones)
    •    12 Kanäle (4 Mono, 4 Stereo)
    •    4 SuperAnalogue™ Mic Preamps mit +48V/75Hz HPF
    •    4 Stereokanäle mit HiZ Impedanzschalter (1MOhm)
    •    Monokanäle: 3-Band EQ mit schaltbarer HF/LF Charakteristik, SSL Compressor, symm. Insert
    •    Stereokanäle: SSL 3-Band EQ
    •    Schnelle, akkurate PEAK Response LED Anzeigen
    •    Hochwertiger 16-Kanal AD/DA Wandler mit USB-C Interface für Recording
    •    18-Kanal Stereo SuperAnalogue™ Summierung
    •    Summenbus mit symmetrischem Insertweg
    •    SSL Bus Compressor (vereinfachte Version)
    •    Hochwertige 100mm Studiofader
    •    Stereo Mix Bus Summierung zur Kaskadierung von Mischpulten
    •    Zwei Stereo Cue Sends
    •    Mustergültige Abhörsektion mit Talkback, Local Monitoring, 2 Stereo Cue Feeds
    •    Zwei Kopfhörerausgänge mit separater Quellenwahl
    •    Variable B-Bus/Mute Schaltung für simple Overdubs
    •    “Listen Mic Compressor” mit flexiblem Routing für Talkback u.v.m.

SSL BIG SIX The Ultimate Desktop Mixer - AKTION: bis zum 30. Juni 2024 bekommt... mehr


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