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  • PKH-11960

PMC BB6S-A - Paarpreis

Building on the unique heritage and 25-year success of PMC’s BB5, the BB6 offers the same wide dynamic range and frequency response, 15-inch Radial™ bass driver, unwavering tonal consistency at all output levels and high maximum SPL (up to 128dB) of its predecessor, but with the additional power and flexibility of PMC’s proprietary Class-D amplification and DSP control. Flat down to a truly profound 17Hz and extending to beyond the limits of human hearing at 25kHz, the BB6-A may be used in larger recording, mixing, mastering or outside broadcast applications, and is equally at home in a tower configuration or mounted in soffits — although soffit-mounting is not essential, as the ATL™ bass response is sufficient without the LF gain achieved by soffit-mounting.

As with the smaller MB3-A, the BB6-A can form part of a multi-channel loudspeaker system, for which the separate BB6-C-A is available. Subwoofers are not a necessity, as the BB6-A speakers already cover the 20-60Hz sub-bass range with plenty of headroom. Dedicated ‘PointOne’ LFE inputs are therefore included on each Power 1200 amplifer for use with multi-channel content, including film soundtracks.

• Type: 3-way ATL™ active reference monitor
• Frequency response: 17Hz-25kHz
• Power per channel: 3225W (HF 275W, MF 550W, LF 2400W)
• Effective ATL™ length: 4 metres
• Maximum SPL: 128dB

PMC BB6S-A - Paarpreis Building on the unique heritage and 25-year success of PMC’s BB5,... mehr


ES-Pro Audio


Narzissenstr. 9

85055 Ingolstadt


  ES-Pro Audio   Narzissenstr. 9 85055 Ingolstadt Germany... mehr


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