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- Artikel-Nr.: DA-i-1261
Handgefertigte Reproduktion des legendären RCA 44
The R44C is a museum-quality replica featuring details such as a bronze investment cast yoke rather than the original zinc yokes provided by RCA (which have a tendency to corrode over time). The iconic "streamline moderne" transformer case with "radio" finish (black with bright nickel) comes standard. The R44C is distinguished by a black and silver AEA emblem. The microphone package includes a three-meter cloth covered Accusound Silver Studio Pro cable, a zippered canvas bag, and AEA 44VC vertical case for proper shipping and storage.
RCA 44 ribbon microphones have remained an essential part of studio life well after RCA stopped manufacturing them in 1955. The sound and response of the 44 B/BX were unlike anything else available, and was cherished for its smoothness, forgiving nature and unique tonal balance. As collectors began to buy up the supply of RCA
44’s through the 90’s, the availability of this wonderful ribbon mic to the studio was greatly endangered. Wes Dooley, a specialist in ribbon mics of all kinds, has now restored the 44 type microphone to its rightful position in the studio. After tracking down the engineers whodesigned and built the original RCA 44, AEA acquired ribbon material, made the tooling and custom machined all the parts necessary to build the original RCA 44 B/BX design to its original specifications, just as it was in the 1930s. After years of painstaking work, AEA has again begun production of the most important ribbon mic of all time: the AEA R44C.
- An accurate reproduction of the original RCA Ribbon Mic
- Uses the same ribbon material as the original
- Built to the highest studio standards possible
- A single diaphragm Figure 8 ribbon microphone
- High null-axis rejectio
- Custom AEA Transformer
- High SPL capability, max level of 140dB plus above 200Hz
- Low Self Noise
- Consistent polar response
- Operable in high humidity environments
- Sounds equal to or better than the original RCA 44
How is the R44 different from other ribbon microphones ?
The 44 was RCA’s best microphone from the 1930s into the ‘50s. Is AEA’s R44 that good? Both listeners and measurements say that the R44 is better and, we’ve been listening to both users and ex-RCA engineers for over 25 years. We start by using only ribbon material originally manufactured for RCA. Next, we use modern magnet technology which is much more robust than period magnets. We also combined the original American undamped ribbon design with the British RCA 44 innovations that lower the weight and hum sensitivity.
The R44 design runs contrary to all current ribbon microphone manufacturing. It is large and heavy when other microphones are smaller and lighter. The internal ribbon element is by far the longest and its resonance tuning the lowest of today’s ribbon microphones. It is a pure undamped ribbon design, an approach that has been out of production for over 50 years while remaining in continuous studio use. It is different, and its sound is unique.
The R44 sounds good on everything. Leave it out and use it whenever you need to do a quick take. Bruce Swedien particularly likes them on vocals, Joe Chicarelli on sax, Allen Sides on electric guitar. Everyone has favorite use and everyone finds they sound good anywhere: brass, woodwinds, percussion, strings or voice work.
Karl-Heinz Klemm
Klemm Music Technology e.K.
Sebastian-Kneipp-Str. 96
37217 Ziegenhagen
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